Viewing the 'Rebates/Couponing' Category
March 14th, 2010 at 07:15 pm
I have done three restaurant mystery shops in the last week. The food has been delicious. The service, on the other hand, especially at the one place was not very efficient with less than acceptable wait times after ordering meals. But all in all, not bad considering we can eat out for minimal OOP expenses due to reimbursements and shopper fees. I have another casual restaurant assignment scheduled for tomorrow night.
I have found a total of 2 dimes, 1 nickel, and 2 pennies over the course of the last few days while doing these assignments. So 27 cents in found money.
I got a $2 check from Survey Savvy on Friday. Yesterday, I received my Rite Aid monthly check rebate for $12.99. So a bit of extra money to send to the extra income fund.
Today is another NSD! Yeah!!
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Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
Found Money
March 5th, 2010 at 02:02 am
I got Staples Rewards in the mail yesterday for $31.30. I'm thinking about using it to get some ink cartridges for my printer.
I would prefer to get cartridges refilled at WAG, but I haven't had much luck with that. When I had my Dell printer, I inquired about refilling those but the rep told me that they can't refill that brand. Now I have an Epson printer, but I haven't inquired about getting those cartridges refilled.
Posted in
March 3rd, 2010 at 01:25 am
I received a check in the mail today from Citibank that I requested a little over a week ago. It is for $62.45. I will add that to my extra income fund!
Posted in
February 21st, 2010 at 07:28 pm
I had 2 NSDs this weekend. No need to go anywhere and spend money!
I got a refund check in the mail yesterday from the cable company. We switched from cable to satellite TV and I had a few days credit left since we switched in the middle of the billing cycle. The amount of the check was $7.79. I will add that to the extra income fund since the money was already budgeted for cable.
Have a great Sunday!
Posted in
February 20th, 2010 at 06:54 pm
Yesterday I received a refund check in the mail for $5.19. Also I got a Paypal deposit for $33.17 reimbursement for a mystery shop.
Today I just traded some coupons with a fellow coupon fanatic. She sent me $2.20 through Pay Pal for those.
So a bit over $40 to send to the extra income fund!
Posted in
Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
February 13th, 2010 at 07:09 pm
I received a refund check for $10.98 from Rite Aid yesterday.
In addition, I earned a whopping 9 cents from You Data this week that has been added to my Pay Pal account.
So a little extra money going towards the extra income fund!
Posted in
February 9th, 2010 at 12:01 pm
Yesterday I received 2 refund checks in the amount of $14.48, which will be added to the extra income fund.
We are expected to get *at least* another foot of snow tonight into tomorrow....probably will be another NSD!!
Posted in
February 6th, 2010 at 12:25 am
According to the forecast, we are supposed to get about 12 inches of snow tonight, then another 4-6 tomorrow with blizzard-like conditions!!
I received Staples Rewards in the mail today totaling $30.80, of which $6 was from recycling printer cartridges.
Looks like I will be having another couple of NSDs!!
Posted in
February 5th, 2010 at 03:36 am
I got another refund check in the mail from Rite Aid today for $4.99, which I will add to my extra income fund.
Posted in
February 3rd, 2010 at 03:46 pm
Yesterday, I received 3 refund checks in the mail totaling $7.48. I will add that to my extra income account.
Today may be another NSD...we will see!
Posted in
January 29th, 2010 at 02:02 am
I received a refund check in the mail today for $9.98. Also I traded some coupons (which were useless to me) with a coupon queen for $3.80. Plus yesterday I found a penny at the grocery store!
I will add these to my extra income fund.
Posted in
Found Money
January 27th, 2010 at 02:12 am
Today was another no spender for me.
I got another refund check in the mail today for $17.72 for the Olay Quench Lotion. I will add that to the extra income fund!
Posted in
January 25th, 2010 at 02:20 am
Yesterday I found a penny while at the grocery store. I also received a refund check in the mail for $3.69.
I had Direct TV installed yesterday. So far everything is fine. Many more options than with cable TV and much less expensive .
Today was another no-spender!!
Have a safe evening!
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Found Money
January 17th, 2010 at 04:30 pm
Yesterday I have another no spender.
I got a total of $16.28 in refund checks today in the mail. Also, I got a product to sample from Pinecone based on a survey I did last weekend.
Today may be another NSD...we will see!!
Posted in
January 14th, 2010 at 12:02 pm
I got another refund check in the mail yesterday for $7.55.
Today is payday. I get paid semi-monthly, so this time it was a 3 week stretch!
Have a great day!
Posted in
January 11th, 2010 at 01:12 am
Yesterday was a NSD for me. In fact I didn't even leave the house.
I got $20.49 in refund checks yesterday to add to the extra income account.
Today I went to Staples to get a few items (pens, manila folders, envelopes, binder clips, and legal pads) that were free after getting Staples Rewards. While at the register, I found a penny there.
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Found Money
January 4th, 2010 at 11:55 pm
I was supposed to go back to work today, but both children were sick with ear aches! Today was to be their first day back to school after Christmas vacation. I made a doctor's appointment for them this morning. I spent $40 on office visits, then both needed prescriptions. Those cost $30 total + I used a coupon for a $10 gift card for having a new prescription. So a grand total of $60 spent today on copays.
I did find a penny today, plus I got a $2 refund check in the mail to add to my extra income fund.
Hopefully I can go back to work tomorrow and the children can go to school...
Posted in
Found Money
January 3rd, 2010 at 08:20 pm
I had 2 no spenders this year so far--Friday and today!!
Yesterday I got a refund check in the mail for $2.88 so that will be added to the extra income account for the week.
I need to prepare some refund offers to send out tomorrow and work on my budget a bit, then I plan to relax a little.
Have a great day!
Posted in
December 24th, 2009 at 08:42 pm
Today will be a no spender for me.
I did get some rebate offers ready this morning and mailed those out. Other than that I stopped by the bank to deposit my paycheck, then headed back home.
I had some additional personal days to use up before the end of the year, so I am off work through Monday.
Have a great holiday season everyone!
Posted in
December 23rd, 2009 at 06:16 pm
Today I stopped at Rite Aid to get a few items. I had the Fall $10 Gift Certificate from a previous promotion that I wanted to use. It turned out as a negative balance of $0.02 after the certificate was deducted from the total. The cashier gave me 2 pennies, and I was on my way!! 
So far this week, I got $21.53 in refund checks in the mail. Today I also got a $1 check from Survey Savvy.
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
December 20th, 2009 at 12:52 am
I got 2 refund checks in the mail today totaling $42.72. In addition, I got a $40 reimbursement in my Paypal account for doing a mystery shop last month.
I didn't spend any money today + it is still snowing. We have *at least* 12 inches now!!
Have a great evening!
Posted in
Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
December 12th, 2009 at 01:34 pm
I got a deposit in my Paypal account for $9, a rebate from Bing Cash for buying DD some shoes a couple of months ago. That will go towards my extra income fund.
Nothing much new financially other than some of my Ebay auctions will be ending tonight. I have bids on 8 out of 18 items, so I'm happy I'll be able to get rid of some clutter in the house.
Have a great day!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
November 11th, 2009 at 04:02 am
I got a rebate check from the October Rite Aid Single Check program in the amount of $114.60!!! It was all FAR items that consisted mainly of cold products. I had several coupons for the items too, so I made some extra money. Some of the products I won't use, but I want to donate them to a homeless shelter or another charity.
Also, I received a check from Citi Rewards for $65.21.
So a few more dollars for the extra income fund!!
Posted in
Snowflake Fund
September 20th, 2009 at 01:37 am
Today when I was at Wal-mart I found a dime at the checkout area.
This week I received $49.43 in refund checks from Rite-Aid plus a few others. So a little extra money for the extra income fund!
Have a great evening!
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Found Money
September 6th, 2009 at 04:09 pm
Yesterday I got several checks in the mail. One was $4.64 for a Rita's Italian Ice mystery shop reimbursement, a $2 refund check, and a $2 survey check. So a total of $8.64.
I also got a sample box of cereal from Vocalpoint--Kashi Honey Sunshine.
Posted in
Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
August 25th, 2009 at 04:01 am
Today I received $25.51 in refund checks from Staples and Swiss Tea.
I also got the CC rewards that I requested a few days ago from Citicard. The check was for $72.12.
So a little less than $100 in extra income in one day!!
Posted in
August 15th, 2009 at 03:55 pm
I received a survey check from Your2Cents(now Toluna)today for $10. In addition, I got 2 refund checks totaling $26.77.
So there is another $36.77 in extra income to add to the account, which I will update later this weekend.
Have a great day!
Posted in
Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
August 15th, 2009 at 04:58 am
Today I got a $7 refund check in the mail, I found a penny, plus earned $0.51 from You Data.
So I have $7.52 to add to the extra income fund.
Posted in
Found Money
August 10th, 2009 at 05:22 am
I got another refund check in the mail yesterday for $4.50.
Today, I was out and about with DD and found a dime and 3 pennies in the mall while shopping for school clothes.
So I have another $4.63 to add to the extra income fund!
Posted in
Found Money
August 8th, 2009 at 01:03 am
I received a refund check in the mail today for $5, plus I earned a whopping 29 cents from YouData. So that will get added to my total for the week.
Have a great evening!
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