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Archive for December, 2009
December 24th, 2009 at 08:42 pm
Today will be a no spender for me.
I did get some rebate offers ready this morning and mailed those out. Other than that I stopped by the bank to deposit my paycheck, then headed back home.
I had some additional personal days to use up before the end of the year, so I am off work through Monday.
Have a great holiday season everyone!
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December 23rd, 2009 at 06:16 pm
Today I stopped at Rite Aid to get a few items. I had the Fall $10 Gift Certificate from a previous promotion that I wanted to use. It turned out as a negative balance of $0.02 after the certificate was deducted from the total. The cashier gave me 2 pennies, and I was on my way!! 
So far this week, I got $21.53 in refund checks in the mail. Today I also got a $1 check from Survey Savvy.
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Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
December 22nd, 2009 at 11:47 pm
According to an email I received today, Greenfield surveys is combining with Toluna surveys effective 1/4/10. If you want to request any survey money from Greenfield (that is sitting in your account), it must be done before that deadline. Otherwise, it will be transferred to Toluna.
I've noticed in the past few months that with Toluna (which was formerly Your 2 Cents *I think*) you need to accumulate more points than was previously required to "cash out". Oh well...
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Surveys, Mystery Shopping
December 22nd, 2009 at 03:09 am
Over the weekend I found a penny in a crack in the sidewalk. Also, last night at Walmart I found a nickel under a bench.
I got $6 deposited into my Paypal account today for 2 Pinecone surveys I completed over the weekend.
So $6.06 in extra income!
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Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
Found Money
December 20th, 2009 at 12:52 am
I got 2 refund checks in the mail today totaling $42.72. In addition, I got a $40 reimbursement in my Paypal account for doing a mystery shop last month.
I didn't spend any money today + it is still snowing. We have *at least* 12 inches now!!
Have a great evening!
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Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
December 19th, 2009 at 02:19 am
I bought a Columbia jacket on Ebay that was less than $30, which included shipping. It arrived today and is in excellent condition. It is purple, dark pink, and turquoise.
Last night I went to the Dollar Tree to pick up a few more stocking stuffers and there was a nickel and penny on the floor at the checkout counter.
Then today at Rite Aid, I found a dime. So 16 cents in 2 days!
There is snow in the weather forecast for our area this weekend--and a lot of it. At least it is considered significant for this region--8-10 inches! I'll probably work on the finances some tomorrow since I doubt we will be leaving the house!
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Found Money
December 14th, 2009 at 02:08 am
I didn't spend any money today, in fact I didn't even leave the house. I was busy doing laundry and baking cookies.
Some of the Ebay auctions ended today. I packaged up 4 of the 6 items that I received
payment for thus far. I will drop them off at the post office in the morning before work. I'll update my profits after the other auctions are over in a day or so.
Have a great evening!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
December 12th, 2009 at 01:34 pm
I got a deposit in my Paypal account for $9, a rebate from Bing Cash for buying DD some shoes a couple of months ago. That will go towards my extra income fund.
Nothing much new financially other than some of my Ebay auctions will be ending tonight. I have bids on 8 out of 18 items, so I'm happy I'll be able to get rid of some clutter in the house.
Have a great day!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
December 11th, 2009 at 03:39 am
I had a mystery shop to do tonight at a casual restaurant. I will get reimbursed $35 for entering the information online. Our total bill, including the tip, for all three of us was $40.46. So in the end, three meals for $5.46. There are enough leftovers for another meal!
Posted in
Surveys, Mystery Shopping
December 10th, 2009 at 04:29 am
I had a no-spender today...haven't had one of those in a while!
I finished listing items on Ebay tonight since the seller special ends today. I have 18 items listed with bids on 5 of them. I still have at least 2 days left on all the listings. There has been no interest on the 2 items I posted on Craigslist.
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
December 8th, 2009 at 02:51 am
I just received an email from Ebay offering 50% off auction style insertion fees on Dec. 8 & 9. It is good for 1,3, and 5 day listings. (I usually list for 7 days, but 5 is definitely doable!)
My camera battery died tonight as I was taking pictures of a few more items to list. Actually that happened at a very opportune time because I was just about to enter the information on Ebay. I'll postpone that task until tomorrow.
While I was decluttering the house in an effort to gather stuff to post on Ebay this weekend, DS asked if we were running out of money. He said, "well you're selling *almost* everything in the house"!! I told him that we were fine, but I wanted to get rid of some items that we no longer use and free up some room in the house.
Anyway, out of the items I listed this weekend 3 of them have bids plus there are plenty of watchers. So I will at least be getting rid of something.
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Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
December 7th, 2009 at 03:14 am
I went to the grocery store pharmacy with a coupon for a $25 gift card on any new/transferred prescription. Since my copay is $10, it looks like I earned an extra $15. The gift card is specifically to use for gasoline, but that is fine with me.
Last night and part of today, I listed 15 items on Ebay. Some of the items already have watchers, but no bids yet. I was going through DS clothes today. He is quickly outgrowing his clothes. Some of it I dropped off at Goodwill. The rest I will list on Ebay as a lot, as well as some pieces that I gathered from DD's closet. So I will be putting those items on Ebay probably by the beginning of the week. I don't think I've ever had this much stuff listed at one time. I hope I don't get overwhelmed when it all sells! 
Have a great evening!
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Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
December 5th, 2009 at 08:23 pm
It's been snowing since about mid-morning, but the forecast states we are only expecting 1-3 inches of accumulation.
I spent this morning taking pictures of some items to list on Ebay/Craigslist. I listed 2 items on Craigslist. I have about 8-10 items to post on Ebay. I may tackle that job later today or tomorrow.
I need to update the budget, finances, and sidebar that hasn't been done in months. Hopefully I will get that finished by tomorrow as well.
Enjoy your day!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
December 4th, 2009 at 11:38 pm
Today I was off work--I took a vacation day. I still have several more to take this month or I will lose them.
I had a few items to return at Staples and Kohl's. I returned an ink cartridge at Staples for $34.97 which was credited back to my CC. I also turned in 2 cartridges for recycling. I guess they give the $3/cartridge now in the form of Staple Rewards payable each quarter instead of the coupons that I received the last time I recycled some.
At Kohl's I returned 3 Christmas ornaments that were an impulse buy at the time, but I decided that I didn't *need* them. So $6.72 was credited for those. I even made it out of the store without purchasing anything additional!
I went to the Dollar Tree to pick up a few stocking stuffers.
I found a penny also while running errands. So I saved almost $50 with the refund transactions, recyclable cartridges, and found money!!
Have a safe evening!
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Found Money