November 21st, 2009 at 01:49 pm
I get payments deposited in Paypal yesterday for $100 in reimbursements for 3 restaurant mystery shops + $3 from Pine Cone!
Then I went to Walmart for a few items which included yams $0.25/lb, celery $0.88/stalk, head of cauliflower $1.98, and broccoli $1.25/lb...all pretty good deals in my opinion! I found a penny at the checkout register there.
So I had extra income yesterday of $103.01!!
Posted in
Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc,
Found Money
November 15th, 2009 at 09:58 pm
Yesterday I received two checks in the mail. One was $7 for completing a mystery shop. The other was from Toluna Surveys for $10.
After work yesterday I stopped for gas at a convenience store and found another penny in the parking lot!
Have a great Sunday!
Posted in
Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
Found Money
November 13th, 2009 at 02:25 am
I get a monthly FICO score update as a free service with my credit union. For about the last year, my score has decreased then stabilized a few months ago. The last two months my score increased...this time by 7 points!!
Oh I found another penny in the Wal-mart parking lot yesterday morning!
Have a great evening!
Posted in
Found Money
November 12th, 2009 at 03:26 am
I haven't been working at my Saturday job since August. I was laid off because of a decline in business. I was only given a couple of days notice, but was given 2 weeks of severance pay. The severance was certainly not expected, but was a very generous gesture. On occasion I fill in for employees who need a day off, but those opportunities have been very limited. Believe me I have enjoyed only working 5 days/week, but I miss the Saturday income!
I haven't even been able to find another position to fulfill that void, but I will keep looking!
Today I was pleasantly surprised when I received a phone call asking if I could work for another co-worker this Saturday! I don't really *FEEL* like it, but I will work since I could use the extra I didn't have any real plans for Saturday anyway!
Posted in
Career/Job Related
November 11th, 2009 at 04:02 am
I got a rebate check from the October Rite Aid Single Check program in the amount of $114.60!!! It was all FAR items that consisted mainly of cold products. I had several coupons for the items too, so I made some extra money. Some of the products I won't use, but I want to donate them to a homeless shelter or another charity.
Also, I received a check from Citi Rewards for $65.21.
So a few more dollars for the extra income fund!!
Posted in
Snowflake Fund
November 9th, 2009 at 04:49 am
This weekend I found a total of $0.17!! Friday night, while doing a mystery shop, I found a nickel. Last night at the grocery store I located a penny. The today when I stopped at the convenience store to use the ATM, I scored a dime and a penny!!
Posted in
Found Money
November 4th, 2009 at 03:46 am
It has been more than a month that I have posted on my blog. I just haven't really been in the mood...too busy with my children, work, and continuing education courses. I have been reading some of the blogs occasionally though.
I took my Honda in for a state inspection, oil change, and tire rotation today. It turns out the car didn't need any work to pass inspection! Yeah! Actually, other than maintenance (oil change/filter and air filter) the only item that I replaced so far were the tires, wiper blades, and the headlight bulbs. It has 79K miles on it. I bought the car new in 2005 and am well pleased with it. I would definitely purchase another Honda again in the future, but probably a certified used vehicle. In comparison, the Ford Escort that I've also purchased new in 1998, has a lengthy repair history. DD is currently driving it until she can afford to buy something more reliable and less costly.
Anyway, I had coupons for an oil change with free tire rotation for $18.99 + 1/2 price inspection. With taxes I paid less than $36!!
I plan to update my sidebar and post an entry bringing everything current since my last extra income deposit. Hopefully, I can frequent my blog on a more regular basis!
Have a great evening!
Posted in
Vehicle Maintenance/Gas Expenses