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September 6th, 2013 at 11:36 pm
As I said before, August was slow for the snowflakes. I received the following:
Swagbucks $25.00
Found Money .25
Ebay Sales Proceeds 36.48
Total $61.73
That brings the total for the year to $497.20. I'm thinking of sending the majority of this to CC debt, as it has just been sitting in a savings account...
Today was a NSD. I did a few loads of laundry which I dried on the line. I also earned over 200 Swagbucks, most of which were from doing surveys!
Tomorrow I have to work 4 hours, which may give me a couple of hours of overtime this week with the holiday pay. It won't be much, but certainly a few extra dollars!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc,
Snowflake Fund
August 9th, 2013 at 11:07 pm
Snowflakes have been a little slow coming in this month. I did receive $25 from Swagbucks in my Pay Pal account.
I spent some time today doing surveys on Swagbucks. I think I will meet my goal as I only have a few more points to go, and I haven't even watched the videos yet today!
I have one item on Ebay that will end tonight with 4 watchers but no bids yet.
It seems like today will be a NSD!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
August 2nd, 2013 at 10:11 pm
Here are the final numbers for July:
Swagbucks $75.00
Credit Card Rewards 75.00
Insurance Co Refund 24.12
Doctor Copay Refund 30.00
Found Change .15
Ebay Sales Proceeds 14.60
Selling Coupons 3.50
Total $222.37
This brings the total for the year to $435.47. July has clearly been my best month in 2013!! Although I haven't been updating my snowflake income on here, I have been tracking on a money app on my phone. I do plan to update on here at least monthly now.
The question now is "how do I allocate this money?". Definitely a large percentage should go to CC debt. I do want to start saving some money for a new dishwasher, and don't want to take it out of my EF. The appliance is still functional; however, the latch doesn't always stay closed and the dishes do not get clean consistently anymore. I'm estimating it is about 15-20 years old because it was here when I purchased the house.
Thanks so much CCF for inspiring me to get more involved in Swagbucks! Even though I've probably been a member for about a year, it hasn't been until the last couple of months that I've devoted more time and effort to it. My favorite ways of earning Swagbucks are surveys and shopping online (mostly hotel reservations).
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
June 12th, 2010 at 05:21 pm
I'm off work today, which is nice since I worked the last 2 Saturdays. By the way, I had $440.83 DD yesterday for those days that I will add to my extra income account.
I have a couple of items listed on both Ebay and Craigslist. As usual, not much activity with the Craigslist stuff...I will most likely end up donating those things to the local thrift shop. The 2 Ebay listings have plenty of watchers, bids only on 1 item so far. The auctions end tomorrow.
I plan to do some yard work later. I bought a tomato, basil, and cilantro plants at Home Depot that I need to plant. I have some weeding to do + trim some bushes.
I have some laundry hanging outside. It should be a NSD, unless I get a mystery shop at a restaurant that I signed up for earlier today.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
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Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
March 28th, 2010 at 04:19 pm
I'm hoping to list some items on Ebay today. I sold 1 item so far, four others are listed all with bids which will be ending in a couple of days. I also have to contact someone that may be interested in an item I listed on Craigslist a few weeks ago.
Yesterday while at the grocery store I found 5 pennies on top of a gumball machine. So a bit of extra income there!
Friday evening I did another restaurant mystery shop. It ended up being about $7, after reimbursement, for 2 people at a casual restaurant. Not bad IMO!
I received a DD in Pay Pal for $30 for a mystery shop payment, so more $ to the extra income account!
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Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc,
Found Money
February 28th, 2010 at 05:45 pm
I sold 4 items on Ebay this month. All of them were electronic/computer items. After fees/shipping, I made $428.22. I feel that is definitely a nice addition to the extra income fund.
I think I have a few more items I can list next month before the seller fees change again at the end of March!
Yesterday, I listed 3 items on Craigslist. So far the responses have been spam I don't have much luck selling merchandise on Craigslist.
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Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
January 30th, 2010 at 05:23 pm
I got 19 cents added to my Pay Pal account from You Data yesterday. Also, I found a penny at the gas station while running errands last night.
Today I have been doing some surveys. I requested a payout of $2 from Survey Savvy.
It looks like today will be another NSD!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc,
Found Money
January 27th, 2010 at 02:22 am
According to an email I received today, a new fee structure will be enacted effective 3/30/10. The "first 5 listings free" each month will be replaced by this:
* List Auction-style FREE--no Insertion Fees--when you start your Auction-style listing under $1.
* Get new, lower Insertion Fees for all other start prices.
* Either way, pay one easy Final Value Fee of 9% of the winning bid (but never more than $50)-and pay only if your item sells.
* List in Fixed Price for 50ยข, with Final Value Fees for the most part staying the same.
This new standard fee structure will replace the current "first 5 listings free"--you'll pay no Insertion Fees whenever you list Auction-style and start pricing under $1!*
I really don't know if this *new* structure is more cost-effective for the seller. I will have to check it out.
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
January 1st, 2010 at 10:08 pm
I finally tallied up my Ebay profits for all items I had listed in December. After fees (both Ebay & Pay Pal) I earned $76.25 in extra income. I am mostly happy that I cleared my house from some clutter! 
I would like to wish everyone here at SA a Happy New Year! I hope each and every one of you are successful at achieving your financial goals in 2010!!
Tomorrow I plan to post my extra income since September to find out if I achieved my goal of $8,000 for 2009.
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
December 23rd, 2009 at 06:16 pm
Today I stopped at Rite Aid to get a few items. I had the Fall $10 Gift Certificate from a previous promotion that I wanted to use. It turned out as a negative balance of $0.02 after the certificate was deducted from the total. The cashier gave me 2 pennies, and I was on my way!! 
So far this week, I got $21.53 in refund checks in the mail. Today I also got a $1 check from Survey Savvy.
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
December 14th, 2009 at 02:08 am
I didn't spend any money today, in fact I didn't even leave the house. I was busy doing laundry and baking cookies.
Some of the Ebay auctions ended today. I packaged up 4 of the 6 items that I received
payment for thus far. I will drop them off at the post office in the morning before work. I'll update my profits after the other auctions are over in a day or so.
Have a great evening!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
December 12th, 2009 at 01:34 pm
I got a deposit in my Paypal account for $9, a rebate from Bing Cash for buying DD some shoes a couple of months ago. That will go towards my extra income fund.
Nothing much new financially other than some of my Ebay auctions will be ending tonight. I have bids on 8 out of 18 items, so I'm happy I'll be able to get rid of some clutter in the house.
Have a great day!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
December 10th, 2009 at 04:29 am
I had a no-spender today...haven't had one of those in a while!
I finished listing items on Ebay tonight since the seller special ends today. I have 18 items listed with bids on 5 of them. I still have at least 2 days left on all the listings. There has been no interest on the 2 items I posted on Craigslist.
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
December 8th, 2009 at 02:51 am
I just received an email from Ebay offering 50% off auction style insertion fees on Dec. 8 & 9. It is good for 1,3, and 5 day listings. (I usually list for 7 days, but 5 is definitely doable!)
My camera battery died tonight as I was taking pictures of a few more items to list. Actually that happened at a very opportune time because I was just about to enter the information on Ebay. I'll postpone that task until tomorrow.
While I was decluttering the house in an effort to gather stuff to post on Ebay this weekend, DS asked if we were running out of money. He said, "well you're selling *almost* everything in the house"!! I told him that we were fine, but I wanted to get rid of some items that we no longer use and free up some room in the house.
Anyway, out of the items I listed this weekend 3 of them have bids plus there are plenty of watchers. So I will at least be getting rid of something.
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
December 7th, 2009 at 03:14 am
I went to the grocery store pharmacy with a coupon for a $25 gift card on any new/transferred prescription. Since my copay is $10, it looks like I earned an extra $15. The gift card is specifically to use for gasoline, but that is fine with me.
Last night and part of today, I listed 15 items on Ebay. Some of the items already have watchers, but no bids yet. I was going through DS clothes today. He is quickly outgrowing his clothes. Some of it I dropped off at Goodwill. The rest I will list on Ebay as a lot, as well as some pieces that I gathered from DD's closet. So I will be putting those items on Ebay probably by the beginning of the week. I don't think I've ever had this much stuff listed at one time. I hope I don't get overwhelmed when it all sells! 
Have a great evening!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
December 5th, 2009 at 08:23 pm
It's been snowing since about mid-morning, but the forecast states we are only expecting 1-3 inches of accumulation.
I spent this morning taking pictures of some items to list on Ebay/Craigslist. I listed 2 items on Craigslist. I have about 8-10 items to post on Ebay. I may tackle that job later today or tomorrow.
I need to update the budget, finances, and sidebar that hasn't been done in months. Hopefully I will get that finished by tomorrow as well.
Enjoy your day!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
November 21st, 2009 at 01:49 pm
I get payments deposited in Paypal yesterday for $100 in reimbursements for 3 restaurant mystery shops + $3 from Pine Cone!
Then I went to Walmart for a few items which included yams $0.25/lb, celery $0.88/stalk, head of cauliflower $1.98, and broccoli $1.25/lb...all pretty good deals in my opinion! I found a penny at the checkout register there.
So I had extra income yesterday of $103.01!!
Posted in
Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc,
Found Money
September 19th, 2009 at 04:43 am
So the buyer that I filed a dispute against didn't respond to that either. After sending a couple of messages through Ebay, I opened the case over a week ago. I just closed the case, since the buyer made absolutely no attempt to communicate with me and/or pay for the item which she won the auction.
I ended up relisting the item. Hopefully this time if it sells, the buyer will have the decency to actually pay for the item!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
September 10th, 2009 at 12:50 pm
Yesterday I filed a dispute with a buyer on Ebay who has failed to pay for an item. They haven't responded to any emails that I sent them either. I'm thinking I will probably end of relisting the item. That is usually what happens. My experience is that by filing a dispute it has never resulted in payment of the item. Ugh!!
This is what makes me so unmotivated to list items on Ebay, Craigslist, etc. It seems I have some sort of issues to deal with every time I list a group of items to sell. It almost seems easier just to donate the stuff to Goodwill, Salvation Army, or another charity.
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
September 7th, 2009 at 04:58 pm
Yesterday was a NSD for me. I haven't had one of those in a long time.
I am still awaiting payment for an Ebay item that sold over a week ago. I sent the buyer 2 invoices so far + an email and I haven't received a response to any of those. My next step will be to file a dispute with the buyer, and probably end of relisting the item.
There isn't any interest in the item I have listed on Craigslist...
I recently did a little research on choosing a different cell phone plan. Initially, both DD & I had individual plans through ATT, although it is considered one account under my name. Her plan was 450 anytime minutes with unlimited texting. Mine was 900 minutes. By reviewing previous bills, I determined that she barely uses 100 minutes/month. On the other hand, I use around 700 min./month. She would rather text than talk on the phone.
Since we have some rollover minutes accumulated, I opted to switch to a family plan of 550 shared minutes with early nights/weekends (7PM-7AM). I think we should be fine without going over each month.
It will end up saving us $30/month, which we will both benefit from since she pays her own portion. I should have probably changed this a long time ago, but initially when she got her cell phone a couple of years ago she went over her minutes (and that was my concern). Now, however, she texts almost exclusively!
Happy Labor Day everyone!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
September 1st, 2009 at 04:44 pm
I recently sold 4 items on Ebay. I have received payment for 3 of those items. After the fees, I have netted $17.74. Not a lot, but certainly a little bit to add to the extra income fund, which I need to update on my blog.
I have still been keeping track of all my extra income, but will update my sidebar with the figures possibly later today.
Oh, I also got $3 in my account from Pinecone for a survey I completed last night!
Posted in
Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
August 24th, 2009 at 06:33 pm
Yesterday I listed four items on Ebay. I checked today and I have bids on three items and plenty of watchers on all of the items.
I also listed something on Craigslist too yesterday.
I'm trying to reduce some clutter again. I'm thinking about having a yard sale in a couple of weeks too. We will see if that happens or not.
I found another penny yesterday at Walmart.
Have a great day!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc,
Found Money
July 10th, 2009 at 12:49 pm
I sold another item on Ebay this week. After shipping/selling fees I netted $6.94 so I will add that to my extra income fund.
Yesterday in the mail I got a refund check for $2.97 plus a Rita's mystery shop reimbursement check in the amount of $2.34...all of which will get added to the deposit for the week.
Have a wonderful Friday!
Posted in
Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc,
Snowflake Fund
June 29th, 2009 at 03:50 am
Last week I had 3 items end on Ebay. After fees/shipping I netted $27.15 for those.
Today we went to Walmart, Wegman's, & CVS.
I had a $50 GC for Wegman's that I received almost 2 years ago at Christmas time from my employer. There aren't any nearby where I live, although there is one close to my Saturday job. Since my commute is so long, I just never felt like stopping to go grocery shopping after work. Anyway, I have never been to a Wegman's, and I was impressed with the quality/freshness of the foods. I have always heard excellent comments about their exceptional customer service as well. It definitely is a nicer, upscale grocery store in comparison to what I've seen around this area. I plan to return there again whenever I'm in the area because I still have $ left on the GC.
I bought (3) baby carrots 0.79/lb, 2 lb. blueberries $4.99, radishes 1.19/lb, 2 1b. strawberries $3, plus some other items, but the prices were the same or lower than Walmart (where I usually get fruits/vegs)& a lot fresher!
I found a penny at the entrance door at CVS.
So, I'm adding $27.16 to the extra income fund!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc,
Found Money
June 28th, 2009 at 04:47 am
This morning on my way to work I stopped to fill up my gas tank and found a penny by the gas pump. Then driving home from work I went to the same convenience store to pick up an early edition Sunday paper and at a nearby Coinstar machine, I spotted 2 pennies lying on the floor!
It was a fairly good mail day also. I got a sample pouch of Dunkin Donuts coffee that I had requested several weeks ago + a Citicard Rewards check for $57.44.
So $57.47 more to the extra income fund!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc,
Found Money,
Snowflake Fund
June 3rd, 2009 at 04:09 am
I had an Ebay auction end yesterday. After shipping/fees, etc. I netted $74.30 for an electronics item. Not bad...I will add that to the extra income fund, along with the penny I found walking through the laundromat to where DD works.
I filed a dispute for an unpaid item I had listed on Ebay. The bidder/buyer hasn't responded to any email or tried to contact me in any way. It has been over 7 days that the auction ended. We will see what happens there...
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc,
Found Money
May 28th, 2009 at 05:01 am
Earlier this week I sold some coupons through an advertiser when I subscribed to a refunding magazine (from years ago who I've been in contact with sporadically just for this purpose). I received $3.75 in Paypal for that.
I found another dime today at Wal-mart near the checkout area.
Also, I listed another item on Ebay on Monday. It has many watchers & bids on it already. I got payments today from 2 auctions that ended last week. I'm still waiting on one more payment. I need to ship those items out tomorrow. I'll figure the net sales after costs probably tomorrow.
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc,
Found Money
May 21st, 2009 at 04:16 am
After deducting shipping/fees from the items I sold on Ebay so far this week, I have gained a bit over $65. Not bad I suppose!
I have a few more items listed only 1 has a bid on it, but several watchers on many of the items.
So another $65.02 towards the extra income fund for this week!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
May 19th, 2009 at 12:41 am
Yesterday I posted some more items on Ebay. Auctions on 2 of the items end today and both have bids on them. The other five items have several watchers. One of those items have a bid.
So I'm hoping for at least a bit of extra income. I will probably post my net Ebay income on the items ending this week by Wednesday.
Have a nice evening!!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc
May 15th, 2009 at 02:21 pm
Out of the items I recently posted on Ebay, I sold all of the 5 items. I still have 3 items listed with watchers on two items + a bid on one item.
After the fees/shipping costs, I netted $30.87 (4 items) so far. I am still awaiting payment on 1 item. Certainly not a lot of money, but at least something + I cleared out some clutter in the house.
A few weeks ago, I completed 3 health care related surveys. I received a total of $50 in my Paypal account this week for participating in those. So more extra income!! 
Have a wonderful Friday!
Posted in
Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc