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Archive for August, 2009

Another Great Mail Day!

August 25th, 2009 at 04:01 am

Today I received $25.51 in refund checks from Staples and Swiss Tea.

I also got the CC rewards that I requested a few days ago from Citicard. The check was for $72.12.

So a little less than $100 in extra income in one day!!

Ebay Update

August 24th, 2009 at 06:33 pm

Yesterday I listed four items on Ebay. I checked today and I have bids on three items and plenty of watchers on all of the items.

I also listed something on Craigslist too yesterday.

I'm trying to reduce some clutter again. I'm thinking about having a yard sale in a couple of weeks too. We will see if that happens or not.

I found another penny yesterday at Walmart.

Have a great day!

Mystery Shopping News

August 22nd, 2009 at 10:12 pm

This week I got a total of $134.92 reimbursements in my Paypal account for 3 restaurant mystery shops I completed in July.

I'm leaving soon to do another restaurant mystery shop assignment tonight. Then, tomorrow I have a retail one to complete.

Oh I found a penny also the other day at the store.

Extra Income Update

August 16th, 2009 at 06:47 am

It has been awhile since I updated my extra income fund. I have the following to add for the last couple of weeks:

$480.22...Saturday Income
$046.56...Refund checks
$007.88...July Interest
$000.24...Found Money
$010.00...Survey Check
$000.80...You Data

The total is $545.70. I've updated the sidebar.

It Was a Good Mail Day!

August 15th, 2009 at 03:55 pm

I received a survey check from Your2Cents(now Toluna)today for $10. In addition, I got 2 refund checks totaling $26.77.

So there is another $36.77 in extra income to add to the account, which I will update later this weekend.

Have a great day!

Some Extra Money

August 15th, 2009 at 04:58 am

Today I got a $7 refund check in the mail, I found a penny, plus earned $0.51 from You Data.

So I have $7.52 to add to the extra income fund.

Busy Doing Mystery Shops!

August 13th, 2009 at 04:52 am

Over the weekend, I did another Cheesecake Factory mystery shop. I wasn't as impressed by the service at this location as I have been at the other three that I've done.

Tonight I completed an assignment at Texas Roadhouse.

Tomorrow I have 2 to at a local hardware store plus a Rita's Italian Ice.

Nothing is scheduled yet for Friday, but Saturday I have an Orange Julius assignment scheduled.

So, I'll be quite busy mystery shopping the next couple of days!

Extra Money

August 10th, 2009 at 05:22 am

I got another refund check in the mail yesterday for $4.50.

Today, I was out and about with DD and found a dime and 3 pennies in the mall while shopping for school clothes.

So I have another $4.63 to add to the extra income fund!

Some Extra Income to Add

August 8th, 2009 at 01:03 am

I received a refund check in the mail today for $5, plus I earned a whopping 29 cents from YouData. So that will get added to my total for the week.

Have a great evening!

Survey + Found Money

August 4th, 2009 at 05:35 am

Yesterday I found a penny in the Wal-mart parking lot. Then today at the mall I found another penny.

I got a Pinecone survey DD into my Paypal account today for $3.

So $3.02 to the extra income fund!

$2.73 Profit

August 2nd, 2009 at 07:22 pm

Today I went to CVS and got some school supplies, Softsoap Body Wash, and Blink Tears Eye Drops, and a bag of Sun Chips (just to bring my total to a bit over $20). After manufacturers' coupons, ECBs, CVS ($4 off $20) coupon, I made $2.73!!

I also had another $0.50 EB which I earned based on my spring spending. So that actually brings the savings to $3.23!!

Not Much New Here!

August 2nd, 2009 at 01:55 am

Like usual, on my way to work, I stopped by the convenience store to fill up my gas tank. It is normally much less expensive there. Today it was 14 cents less/gal. than in this area. I think that's a record difference in the year since I've been commuting there. Of course, it is in a different state, but near a large city. I live in a small town. Oh well, I can't begin to figure out the logic behind the gas price differences!

After I got home I mowed the yard with the help of DS. Then, I just got finished cutting his hair...the usual buzz cut style. His hair is so thick and grows quickly. I'm happy to have spent the $20 or so on electric clippers about a year ago. It sure has paid for itself.

Have a great weekend!