It's Been A While
April 27th, 2008 at 01:13 amI've completed and submitted all of the paperwork/notarized documents to get my professional license in a nearby state. My application just needs to get approved by the State Board, then they will issue me a license. It was a bit expensive ($555 total), but with the difference in the pay rates between the states, it should be well worth the investment.
I filled my tank with gas yesterday. A local convenience store (actually the only place in this town that sells gas) just re-opened after being closed for 3 months. The gas is a bit less expensive, $3.53/gal., as a promo price. Other places in nearby towns are selling it for $3.69/gal.
I received my Rite Aid Single Check Rebate check in the mail yesterday for $58.21. I deposited that in my checking account.
Tomorrow I will head to Rite Aid for my weekly FAR items, and also run some other errands.