Viewing the 'found money' Category
August 10th, 2009 at 05:22 am
I got another refund check in the mail yesterday for $4.50.
Today, I was out and about with DD and found a dime and 3 pennies in the mall while shopping for school clothes.
So I have another $4.63 to add to the extra income fund!
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Found Money
August 4th, 2009 at 05:35 am
Yesterday I found a penny in the Wal-mart parking lot. Then today at the mall I found another penny.
I got a Pinecone survey DD into my Paypal account today for $3.
So $3.02 to the extra income fund!
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Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
Found Money
July 31st, 2009 at 03:31 am
...that I wouldn't have any extra income to add to my account this week, I found a dime! I went to Panera for lunch and right there on the counter at the register was 10 cents just waiting for me!
Hopefully I will have more to add to the fund for the week, but it isn't looking too good!
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Found Money
July 21st, 2009 at 03:20 am
Of course Saturday I worked. I got out about 1 hour early...last patients (a family of three) didn't show for their appointments.
After I got home, I did laundry and yard work. I mowed the grass, pruned some bushes, and bagged the twigs/weeds.
Then Sunday I had another Cheesecake Factory mystery shop assignment to complete. Since it was for brunch, the children & I left at 9 AM, as it was about a 2 hour drive. It was located in a mall, so we did some window shopping (lots of high end stores that I have never bought anything at). After that we went to a tourist area near the bay and spent all day there. I bought several books for DD & DS at Barnes & Noble there...cost about $42. Then we got some ice cream that was $12. Throughout the day I found a dime & 4 pennies as we were walking around. On the way home, we stopped at Walmart. We finally arrived back home about 11 PM. It was a fun day and everyone seemed to enjoy it.
I got another refund check in the mail today for $10.97.
DD & I walked the dog tonight and I found another penny along the street...so 15 cents in found money over the last two days!
Have a great evening!
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Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
Found Money
July 12th, 2009 at 04:59 am
Last night I did another Texas Roadhouse mystery shop. I took DD and DS along. I spent $35.75 with the tip and will get reimbursed $35. So that's $0.25 for each person! Then we went to Rita's Italian Ice for dessert, as I had a mystery shop assignment to complete there too.
I received a $5 DD reimbursement for a Bruster's mystery shop that I did last month.
I got paid for a health care survey I did 2 weeks ago--$10. Also got a check in the mail today from Your2Cents for $10.
This morning I went to the ATM before work at a convenience store and found a dime and penny on the sidewalk. After work I stopped at another store and picked up a penny. So 12 cents in found money today!!
So I have a bit of extra money to add to the weekly deposit for the extra income fund.
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Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
Found Money
June 29th, 2009 at 03:50 am
Last week I had 3 items end on Ebay. After fees/shipping I netted $27.15 for those.
Today we went to Walmart, Wegman's, & CVS.
I had a $50 GC for Wegman's that I received almost 2 years ago at Christmas time from my employer. There aren't any nearby where I live, although there is one close to my Saturday job. Since my commute is so long, I just never felt like stopping to go grocery shopping after work. Anyway, I have never been to a Wegman's, and I was impressed with the quality/freshness of the foods. I have always heard excellent comments about their exceptional customer service as well. It definitely is a nicer, upscale grocery store in comparison to what I've seen around this area. I plan to return there again whenever I'm in the area because I still have $ left on the GC.
I bought (3) baby carrots 0.79/lb, 2 lb. blueberries $4.99, radishes 1.19/lb, 2 1b. strawberries $3, plus some other items, but the prices were the same or lower than Walmart (where I usually get fruits/vegs)& a lot fresher!
I found a penny at the entrance door at CVS.
So, I'm adding $27.16 to the extra income fund!
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Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc,
Found Money
June 28th, 2009 at 04:47 am
This morning on my way to work I stopped to fill up my gas tank and found a penny by the gas pump. Then driving home from work I went to the same convenience store to pick up an early edition Sunday paper and at a nearby Coinstar machine, I spotted 2 pennies lying on the floor!
It was a fairly good mail day also. I got a sample pouch of Dunkin Donuts coffee that I had requested several weeks ago + a Citicard Rewards check for $57.44.
So $57.47 more to the extra income fund!
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Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc,
Found Money,
Snowflake Fund
June 14th, 2009 at 03:37 am
Today I found a penny by the gas pump when I was filling up my car.
Then in the mail I received a Rite Aid refund check for $4.99 + the title to my car that I paid off last week!! 
So a pretty good mail day and $5 to add to the extra income fund for next week!
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Found Money
June 3rd, 2009 at 04:09 am
I had an Ebay auction end yesterday. After shipping/fees, etc. I netted $74.30 for an electronics item. Not bad...I will add that to the extra income fund, along with the penny I found walking through the laundromat to where DD works.
I filed a dispute for an unpaid item I had listed on Ebay. The bidder/buyer hasn't responded to any email or tried to contact me in any way. It has been over 7 days that the auction ended. We will see what happens there...
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Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc,
Found Money
May 31st, 2009 at 05:32 am
Today after work I went with DD to Wal-mart. As we were walking through the parking lot to the store, I noticed some dollar bills in the middle of the road. Now I haven't found anything but coins in probably years. I was very excited to have found 2-$1 bills!! 
Also, I got a refund check in the mail today for $2.99.
So a total of $4.99 to send to the extra income fund!
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Found Money
May 28th, 2009 at 05:01 am
Earlier this week I sold some coupons through an advertiser when I subscribed to a refunding magazine (from years ago who I've been in contact with sporadically just for this purpose). I received $3.75 in Paypal for that.
I found another dime today at Wal-mart near the checkout area.
Also, I listed another item on Ebay on Monday. It has many watchers & bids on it already. I got payments today from 2 auctions that ended last week. I'm still waiting on one more payment. I need to ship those items out tomorrow. I'll figure the net sales after costs probably tomorrow.
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc,
Found Money
May 24th, 2009 at 02:12 am
This week I have earned $1.20 from You Data. Not a lot, but certainly better than nothing.
I stopped to fill up my car with gas today and found a penny by the gas pump. That's 3 cents I've located this week!!
Have a great evening!
Posted in
Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
Found Money
May 22nd, 2009 at 03:46 am
At work in the hallway I found a penny today. More to the extra income fund!!
Since my regular monthly car payment was applied to my account, I now owe less than $2100. With the additional principal payments of at least $70/month, I should easily have this paid off before the end of the year.
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Found Money,
May 20th, 2009 at 01:25 am
I found a penny at the Wal-mart checkout area again. A little more extra income!!
I feel like I'm getting sick...sore throat and generally just weak/tired. Hopefully I can stop it from progressing any further, but we shall see. I think I will have a hot cup of lemon tea now.
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Found Money
May 14th, 2009 at 01:25 am
I signed up to do several mystery shops this week at Rita's, Bruster's, and Sonic. I've already done the first two, the other one I will do tomorrow.
I found a dime by the soft drink dispenser outside of Wal-mart today!
I'm going to combine last week's extra income with this week's deposit...it wasn't that much anyhow, but still it all adds up.
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Surveys, Mystery Shopping,
Found Money
May 11th, 2009 at 11:40 pm
After work today, I stopped at Rite Aid to buy the FAR item for this week--got 2b Fat-tastic Mousse. By the checkout counter I spotted a penny there waiting for me!
I've got several Ebay auctions ending tonight, so I will post my net income here in the next few days. Now I'm going to list a few other items.
Have a good evening!!
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Found Money
May 9th, 2009 at 11:38 pm
I found a nickel in the Walmart parking lot today, right by my car door!
Plus I got a refund check in the mail for $1.49.
More $ to the extra income fund!!
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Found Money
May 6th, 2009 at 03:19 am
I found two pennies today...one at Walmart and another in my own dryer (someone failed to empty their pockets once again).
I will add this to my extra income fund!
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Found Money
April 24th, 2009 at 12:12 am
I found another 2 pennies...one last night at a convenience store and another one today again in the locker room.
I also got a refund check in the amount of $2.39. So an additional $2.41 to the extra income fund!!
Today was payday so now I'm going to work on the finances
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Found Money
April 18th, 2009 at 01:59 am
I've done really bad this week with spending money on lunches. Normally, I try to only eat out *maybe* once every 2 weeks. Yesterday I went to Panera and spent $8.25. Today was a co-worker's birthday so I had to pitch in $6.25 for pizza and a cake. I had plenty of healthy foods--fruits & veggies, yogurt, etc.--to eat both days, but sometimes I can be talked into going out. Some days it is because everyone else is going & I don't want to sit alone to eat lunch. Then other days it is to celebrate a birthday, baby shower, wedding, etc.
We have drastically cut back on dining out too as a family. So I guess sometimes I feel a bit guilty that I'm eating out for lunch, but I very, very seldom dine out with the children. It has been at least 3-4 months since I've made much more of an effort to scale it back. With that said, we would eat out *maybe* once a week, but it was usually fast food.
Anyway, I spent $14.25 for 2 lunches this week when I had healthier food in the refrigerator at work. Oh well, I need to work on this because that extra $ could have gone to my car loan!!
On a positive note, I found another 6 cents in the locker room again today. When my co-workers drop coins, they just don't bother to pick them up, hardly ever. I usually wait several days to see if anyone takes the coins & if they don't, I take them. So more money there to the extra income fund!
Have a great evening!
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Found Money
April 15th, 2009 at 11:24 pm
Today I found another penny at a beauty supply store!
I also got my tax papers mailed out. Other than that, nothing much new here financially.
Have a great evening!!
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Found Money
April 10th, 2009 at 07:47 pm
This morning while at Wal-mart I found more money...this time a nickel nearly the same area I found a dime earlier this week!!
I have completed some surveys this afternoon. I sent an email inquiring about a $10 payout I requested back in February at your2cents.com. It has been nearly 2 months and I still haven't received the check 
Yesterday was payday so I need to work on my bills/budget now...
Have a great day!!
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Found Money
April 8th, 2009 at 02:23 am
Today at work I found 12 cents in the locker room.
Then at lunch time I went to Wal-mart and found a dime by the photographer stand!
That's $0.22 to the extra income fund for the week. It may be my only source of additional funds to deposit this week
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Found Money
April 4th, 2009 at 11:45 am
Last night I found a penny at Walmart.
Also I got some avocados (5) for $0.58, which I thought was a great price. At the register they rang up $1.38 each. I pointed it out to the cashier...I mean after all, I would never pay $1.38 for 1 avocado!! She adjusted the price for me as the guy behind me in line was huffing & puffing, deeply sighing, etc. for the extra time it took her to credit me the $4. He ended up switching to the next lane and I left the store before he did anyhow! I don't care it was $4!!!
Have a great Saturday!
Posted in
Found Money
March 28th, 2009 at 09:43 pm
I stopped by a convenience store to use the ATM and I found a penny heads up on the floor in front of the machine!
In the mail I received 2 refund checks for a total of $6.35.
Since I already made the extra income deposit for this week, I have $6.36 accumulated already towards next week's deposit!!
Have a safe weekend!
Posted in
Found Money
March 20th, 2009 at 11:49 pm
Today I found a nickel in the locker room at work.
Also got another refund check for $2.49.
So another $2.54 to the extra income fund for the week!
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Found Money
March 12th, 2009 at 10:19 pm
Today was a NSD for me. Not much going on here other than I found a penny yesterday at the grocery store.
More to add to the extra income fund!
Have a great evening!
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Found Money
March 7th, 2009 at 11:33 pm
Today while I was at the post office I found a penny heads up under a counter.
More to add to the extra income fund!!
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Found Money
February 25th, 2009 at 01:33 am
Yesterday I got the CC Rewards check in the mail from Citibank that I requested last week. The amount is $68.07, which will get deposited to the extra income fund.
Then I went to Walmart with a few co-workers at lunch time. I didn't buy anything there, but I did pick up a penny near the cash register area as I was waiting in line with a friend of mine.
Today was another NSD for me!!
Posted in
Snowflakes-Ebay, yard sales, Craiglist, etc,
Found Money
February 22nd, 2009 at 12:10 am
Today I stopped at Sheetz on the way home from work to fill up gas tank and found a dime inside the store near an ATM.
I also got another refund check in the mail for $9.25 today.
This week I am depositing $377.53 to the extra income fund:
Saturday income- $348.71
Refund checks- $ 26.24
Coupons sold on refund
site- $ 2.45
Found money- $ 0.13
Have a great evening everyone!
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Found Money,
Snowflake Fund