Home > It Was a Busy Weekend!

It Was a Busy Weekend!

July 21st, 2009 at 02:20 am

Of course Saturday I worked. I got out about 1 hour early...last patients (a family of three) didn't show for their appointments.

After I got home, I did laundry and yard work. I mowed the grass, pruned some bushes, and bagged the twigs/weeds.

Then Sunday I had another Cheesecake Factory mystery shop assignment to complete. Since it was for brunch, the children & I left at 9 AM, as it was about a 2 hour drive. It was located in a mall, so we did some window shopping (lots of high end stores that I have never bought anything at). After that we went to a tourist area near the bay and spent all day there. I bought several books for DD & DS at Barnes & Noble there...cost about $42. Then we got some ice cream that was $12. Throughout the day I found a dime & 4 pennies as we were walking around. Smile On the way home, we stopped at Walmart. We finally arrived back home about 11 PM. It was a fun day and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

I got another refund check in the mail today for $10.97.

DD & I walked the dog tonight and I found another penny along the 15 cents in found money over the last two days!

Have a great evening!

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