Home > Extra Income Update!

Extra Income Update!

May 9th, 2010 at 09:51 pm

I haven't updated my extra income funds on here since 2/28/10!! I have added the following to the extra income account:

$212.40...Saturday Income
$220.92...Mystery Shop Reimburse/Fees
$001.26...Found Money
$002.00...Coupon Trade
$000.19...You Data
$135.55...Citicard Rewards Checks
$069.38...Refund Checks
$040.38...Ebay Profits

The total for a little over 2 months is $756.77. I now have $9,510.79 in my account!!

1 Responses to “Extra Income Update!”

  1. elisabeth Says:

    Wow, thats alot of money for 2 months. As a good friend used to tell me "You go girl!" You are inspirational.

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