I completed a Pinecone survey this weekend. I received a PayPal payment today for $3.
At work today, I found a penny in the bathroom.
I received a voice mail message from a scheduler with a mystery shopping company. I did assignments with this company previously. She stated that a mystery shop was available in my area. Generally, when a scheduler calls it means that a deadline is nearing and there are still assignments that need to be scheduled. Otherwise, an email is sent to make mystery shoppers aware of upcoming assignments and it is possible to self-assign a specific job.
Anyway, I suspected that the scheduler was desperate to assign a shop. I returned her call after I left work. She asked if I could do a restaurant mystery shop either tonight or tomorrow. The shopper previously assigned to this job failed to communicate with the scheduler and didn't enter the report online by the assignment due date. A $10 bonus was offered plus a reimbursement of $25 for the meal. Since I didn't have anything planned for this evening, I accepted the assignment. The scheduler kept thanking me throughout the conversation. I'm glad I made her day! When I got home from work, I gathered up the children and we were on our way to the restaurant. It turns out I spent $32.71 including tip. So I'm making a couple of extra dollars, plus a free meal!!
A Penny, Pinecone, & Mystery Shop
February 23rd, 2010 at 04:30 am