Home > Adding to the CC Savings

Adding to the CC Savings

October 24th, 2008 at 02:42 am

I sold an item on Ebay this week for $12.99. I have another couple of items on there that the auction will end in a couple of days with some watches on both of those items, so I'm hoping they sell.

On an online refunding site I traded some coupons with someone who pays a percentage of the face value on coupons that she specified she was interested I made $14.02 for that.

Finally, I'm including the $4 for the Imsyt survey that I received in Paypal earlier this week.

So I'm adding $31.01 to the savings account for these items.


Tomorrow, I have settlement for the refinance on the house. It will be good to see what the monthly mortgage payment will be now since I lowered the interest rate 3.5% from my previous mortgage and am going with a 15 yr. term instead of the 30 yr. The mortgage officer gave me a ballpark figure a few weeks ago, which was less than my current payment!! Smile

Have a great evening!

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