Home > Money In The Parking Lot + Refund Check

Money In The Parking Lot + Refund Check

May 31st, 2009 at 04:32 am

Today after work I went with DD to Wal-mart. As we were walking through the parking lot to the store, I noticed some dollar bills in the middle of the road. Now I haven't found anything but coins in probably years. I was very excited to have found 2-$1 bills!! Smile

Also, I got a refund check in the mail today for $2.99.

So a total of $4.99 to send to the extra income fund!

2 Responses to “Money In The Parking Lot + Refund Check”

  1. SicilyYoder Says:


  2. lizajane Says:

    Not long ago, a friend of mine was arguing with her sister and her sister was trying to repay her some money. My friend wouldn't take it and told her she'd just throw it out the window if she tried again. Guess what? It's gone. My first question was "where were you?" LOL!!!

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